The World is too Uncertain. I Will Wait for a “Better Time to Invest”. CLICK
What is purchasing “off- the-plan” in Australia? How much deposit do I have to put down when I purchase an apartment off-the-plan in Australia? What happens to my deposit? CLICK
Are there any tax savings when buying Australian property? CLICK
Is there a building warranty? CLICK
I am not an Australian. Can I still buy real estate in Australia? CLICK
If I sell, can I get my money out of Australia? CLICK
Does buying property in Australia help me migrate? CLICK
I live overseas. How involved do I have to be? CLICK
As a foreigner can I obtain a mortgage to buy property in Australia? CLICK
What type of loan is the best when buying property in Australia? CLICK
Is a stand alone house a better investment in Australia? CLICK
Am I paying too much if I by from overseas? CLICK
I feel that I can buy a cheaper apartment on the second hand, resale market in Sydney and Melbourne. Are there any advantages in buying new property in Australia? CLICK
Should I look for capital growth, or go for rental yield when buying investment property in Australia?
How complicated is property investment in Australia?
Is it risky investing in property in Australia?
What if interest rates rise?
I was bought up to believe we shouldn’t borrow money. Were my parents wrong? Are properties self funding?
Why do you think the market will continue to rise?
What does Return on Investment (ROI) actually mean?
Should I pay cash for an investment property?
Everything looks attractive. But I’m still unsure whether I should leave my money in the Bank as the world situation remains uncertain? How do I know this is a good area for capital growth?
Am I better off buying one property for $1,000,000 or two for $500,000?
I don’t seem to have much spare money as it is now. Can I really afford to buy an investment property in another country?
Won’t there be a glut of vacant properties when everyone discovers the advantages of owning rental property?
Most people seem to emphasize position, position, position. Should I pay more and get prime residential property?
Are there a lot of taxes?
Is Australian property investment still worthwhile with everything that is going on in the world right now?
What’s the biggest mistake a foreign investor can make?
Well, if not CBD’S then where? Outskirts?
What is a “simple formula” to follow?
Are there any “Golden Rules” for Australian Property Investment?
"Michael Bentley has such a wealth of knowledge and wisdom concerning Australian property investment that one can never learn enough from him"
Alan T.
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